
Encounters With Jesus

In His public ministry, the Lord first served those in His native region of Galilee. Then, as time progressed, Jesus moved toward the height of His mission in Jerusalem. Along the way He encountered a number of people—common people with ordinary problems. To each Jesus gave His time - not only to address that person's immediate problem - but to lead him or her to a deeper level - a level of FAITH! Over the next few months, let’s explore some of these interactions together, and through them, come to a greater understanding our own Encounters With Jesus.

Living An Easter Faith

Easter isn’t simply a religious holiday to be celebrated once a year and then stored away with the Easter Bunny and plastic shells of Easter Eggs. Easter is the fountain of renewal from which we take direction for our lives. We have been called to live an Easter faith, filled with confidence in what God has done for us. In this series, we'll explore what it means to be Living An Easter Faith and see how that plays out in our daily lives.

Hard Sayings of Jesus

During this Lenten season, we’ll be starting a sermon series exploring sayings of Jesus that can seem to be difficult and/or hard to swallow. Did He really mean that? By facing these “hard sayings” it will remind us that He holds us to an extremely high standard, a standard we’ll never be able to live up to on our own. At the same time, He equips us, by His Holy Spirit, to live out these “hard sayings.” God is good!

Spiritual Renewal

Throughout this series we will explore the spiritual disciplines and cognitive beliefs we need to have in place to help promote spiritual renewal! If we want to have undivided hearts, if we want to keep Jesus #1 in our life, if we want to experience a spiritual renewal, what do we need to be doing?

Love One Another

What does it looks like to live in community with one another, and what does it really means to love one another?


Each visiting Pastoral Candidate will deliver a sermon on a chapter from the book of Philippians! Join us as we explore God's Word together.


James is one of the most practical books in the Bible, tackling real life issues and struggles that all of us face: temptation, self-control, work, anger, poverty, favoritism, and more. The book challenges our consumeristic and complacent nature as Americans and should lead us to action that's directed by our faith.


Our entire lives need to be lived in a state of dependence on God. Often, we unconsciously live independent of God, believing in Him but living like He isn’t there. Over the course of the next six weeks, we’ll explore different areas where we typically depend on ourselves, instead of relying on Christ.