Board of Directors & Board of Elders

FOC has a Board of Directors and a Board of Elders, who help care for our church family.


Comprised of individuals voted in by the congregation to oversee, advise, and operate through their leadership, vision planning, and other business and administrative duties based on the needs of the Staff and the Congregation as a whole.

Members of the BOD:
Bill Schulze, President
VACANT, Vice President
Karl Berg, Treasurer
Rhonda Peregoy, CDC Representative
Allan Rowe, Secretary
Randi Creedon, At-Large
Dan Swiatkiewicz, At-Large
Ron Moody, Head Elder

Roles of the Board of Directors

As further outlined in FOC's Constitution and By-laws -

1. The Board of Directors shall watch over the doctrine, life and administration of the office of the pastor(s) and staff of the Congregation.

2. The Board of Directors shall supervise the Senior Pastor and ensure proper supervision of the rest of the church staff. Such supervision shall enable the staff to develop and implement new strategies and programs to accomplish the mission of the congregation.

3. The Board of Directors shall transact or supervise the transaction of all legal and general business of the congregation.

4. The Board of Directors shall conduct the business within the limitations of the annual operating budget of the Congregation approved by the Voters’ Assembly.

5. The Board of Directors shall develop and maintain a 5-year plan that clearly outlines desired results and goals of the Congregation. The congregation will be afforded opportunity to make input to the plan. Progress toward the desired results and goals will be discussed at quarterly Board of Directors meetings and at bi-annual Voters’ Assembly meetings.

6. The Board of Directors shall semi-annually report to the Voters’ Assembly on the organizational and financial condition of the congregation (Article 2 of By-Laws). It shall also recommend an annual operating budget to the Voters’ Assembly.

7. The Board of Directors shall consult as necessary with appropriate Ministry Directors with regard to staffing and policy making for specific ministries.

8. The Board of Directors shall implement a “policy-based” governance structure. Policies and procedures will be developed and maintained that will ensure the efficient and effective operation of the congregation.


Comprised of individuals voted in by the Congregation to provide spiritual care based on the needs of the Congregation.

Members of the BOE:
Ron Moody, Head Elder
Brian Wanamaker

Garry Rohleder
Ken Garwood
Bill George
Allen Van Wyhe
Al Maurer
Scott Miller
Dave LaFave
Dave McLeran
Wayne Pittman
Dale Szumigala
Spencer Peregoy
Troy Laramy

Roles of the Board of Elders

As further outlined in FOC's Constitution and By-laws - 

The Board of Elders shall consist of a minimum of six men with the Head Elder selected by the Board of Elders. The Board of Elders, acting as an extension of the Pastoral Office, shall assist FOC Pastoral Staff with the congregational ministry. This assistance involves the following roles:

a. Support the Pastoral Staff.

b. Help meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of our members and visitors, caring about the "heartbeat" of the congregation.

c. Work with the Pastoral Staff and Board of Directors to ensure the spiritual needs of the congregation are met.

If you would like more information pertaining to FOC's Constitution and By-laws, please contact the Church Office at  or 719.481.2255.