
Gathered by the Cross

As we begin our Lenten journey this year, we turn to the story of our Lord’s suffering, death, and resurrection. Every good story must have an arch villain, and Judas certainly qualifies. Judas, however, was not the only one who was drawn into these world-changing events.  Some were central to what was happening. At least one was surprised by his involvement. Some were intimately involved with each other. Others had no knowledge of the others existence, yet all were gathered into the story by the cross.

Called to Mission

God has equipped each of us with unique gifts that enable us to serve Him and those around us in incredible ways. Learn how God has called us to mission in our homes, communities, and around the world!

Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

We Christians are called to watch, to pray, and to live each moment as if the Lord’s return is imminent. But we are also called to use our time wisely in the service of our Lord. It could be that the Lord has delayed his return to give the people of this world ample time to turn to him, and to give us ample time to ensure that they are aware of the gift that God gave us on that first Christmas. God waited several thousand years until the time was right for that first Christmas.  Wouldn’t it be interesting if God were waiting on us, waiting for us to do the things necessary, like he waited on Romans and Greeks to do their thing, before embarking on his next very public entry into our world. Christmas is indeed coming, and through it God is coming to us. Let us prepare the way of the Lord! 

Veterans Day

Thank you for your amazing sacrifices and years of service to our country. God bless our Veterans and their families!

All Saint's Day

All Saints Day commemorates our connectedness as the body of Christ! We remember and celebrate ALL Christ followers: Saints - those who came before us and those who are doing life with us.

Reformation Sunday

Reformation Sunday is the celebration of Martin Luther nailing the 95 Theses.

Questions Your Mother Asked

What on Earth have you done? What in the Name of God are you doing? Just who do you think you are? These are a few of the questions we may remember our mothers asking us throughout our childhood. Such questions are not intended to start a conversation but rather to invoke a response and a change in our behavior for the better. Parents love their children; they see the potential for them to learn, grow, and succeed. God also sees us as His beloved children! He is never disappointed in us. Knowing that we are broken and that we have messed up, it can be hard to see ourselves the way God does. This series will explore answers to those "Questions Your Mother Asked" through God's eyes.

Encounters With Jesus

In His public ministry, the Lord first served those in His native region of Galilee. Then, as time progressed, Jesus moved toward the height of His mission in Jerusalem. Along the way He encountered a number of people—common people with ordinary problems. To each Jesus gave His time - not only to address that person's immediate problem - but to lead him or her to a deeper level - a level of FAITH! Over the next few months, let’s explore some of these interactions together, and through them, come to a greater understanding our own Encounters With Jesus.

Living An Easter Faith

Easter isn’t simply a religious holiday to be celebrated once a year and then stored away with the Easter Bunny and plastic shells of Easter Eggs. Easter is the fountain of renewal from which we take direction for our lives. We have been called to live an Easter faith, filled with confidence in what God has done for us. In this series, we'll explore what it means to be Living An Easter Faith and see how that plays out in our daily lives.

Hard Sayings of Jesus

During this Lenten season, we’ll be starting a sermon series exploring sayings of Jesus that can seem to be difficult and/or hard to swallow. Did He really mean that? By facing these “hard sayings” it will remind us that He holds us to an extremely high standard, a standard we’ll never be able to live up to on our own. At the same time, He equips us, by His Holy Spirit, to live out these “hard sayings.” God is good!