
Nature of God

Sometime we grow up hearing about God and what He's like from a variety of different (and often competing) sources. We're excited to dive into scripture, taking a closer look at who God says He is and what that means for us as His followers!

Truth: A Biblical Worldview

This series focuses on God’s truth and our worldview. As a church family, we are going to tackle some controversial issues...but we are also going to speak to the truth of faith lived in a changing world. We will find common ground; we will see God’s Word applied to our current situations. We're excited for the ways God will shape us during this series, teaching us to be bold to confess our faith and show love for our neighbors!

The Road

Faith is a journey. We can get tired, lost, and even get stuck. But Jesus travels with us! It’s one thing to look at a map, it is quite another to go on that trip.

Holy Week 2021

This special season of worship is dedicated to remembering Christ's incredible sacrifice and celebrating His ultimate victory!

Red Letter Challenge

The Red Letter Challenge (RLC) is a resource that is simple to understand, challenging in concept, highly practical, but always squarely aimed at Jesus!
God has been gracious to all, and being compelled by that grace, we believe that following Jesus is the single greatest opportunity of our lifetime! Together, we’ll be focusing on the actual words and challenges of Jesus in the Bible. Together, we’ll be reflecting, praying, wrestling, and journaling. We’ll be stretched and inspired. And in the end, our lives will look a whole lot more like Jesus. Join the whole church family at FOC on this exciting journey!

Lent: Words of Life from the Cross

Each mid-week service in the series focuses on "Words of Life from the Cross." The theme of this series is based on the final words of Christ that He spoke from the cross as He offered up His life for the life of the world. Each of the seven words our Lord spoke from the cross imparts a blessing and is a word of Gospel. Each word of Christ proclaims and delivers something about Him, something about us, and delivers His saving death to us that we would trust Him for forgiveness, life, and salvation. This centers us on the incredible message that transforms our life and faith!

Advent: Visitations

We've seen time and time again that God works in unexpected ways. This series points us to preparing for the unexpected and incredible gift of the Christ child - God's love made manifest.