Time With Jesus: Being in His Presence
Oct 27, 2019 | Jeremy Hetzel, Youth Pastor
Time With Jesus - Being in His Presence: Where Life Is Found
The story of Aaron's staff budding (Numbers 17) is incredibly powerful. A dead stick spent the night in God's presence and came out the next morning having budded, blossomed and produced almonds. Life comes from being in His presence! We see this born out in John 15 and Galatians 5, where we're reminded that good fruit is produced in and through us by Jesus!
Series Information

It’s so easy to move through life, forgetting to be intentional regarding spending time with Jesus. We focus on all the things we have going on or need to take care of, and Jesus slips to the end (or totally off) the “to do” list. This series will explore the need we have, and the the benefits we receive, from regularly, daily, spending time in Jesus presence.