Cases of Love / Outreach Drive

Every Sunday from 02/14/2021 to 03/14/2021
Location: Family of Christ Lutheran Church, 675 W Baptist Road, Colorado Springs, CO US 80921
We will be collecting new and gently used backpacks, duffel bags, and other items to donate to various agencies in Colorado Springs for foster kids. As kids oftentimes end up moving around a lot when they are in the foster care system, Cases of Love provides travel bags and supplies so kids have personal items to take with them and something to pack them in.

Items to be donated should be brought to Family of Christ through March 7. They can be dropped off at the Worship Center on Sundays or at the Church Office during the week. Thank you for making a difference for kids in the foster care system!

New and gently used backpacks, duffle bags, hygiene items, pillows, twin sheets, towels, blankets, pajamas, socks and underwear (must be new and in the package), kids' clothes, teen clothes, purses, baby bottles, baby gates, car seats, masks, games, toys and used musical instruments. Walmart gift cards are also helpful.

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